The V International Seminar of TICCIH México, which focuses on the study of the heritage legacy of Communications, Transportation and Related Industries, aims to contribute to the experiences exchange on knowledge, management, recognition, media presence, safeguarding, restoration and reuse of the vast tangible and intangible heritage generated by those systems. Among them, we can emphasize the universes of railroad, telegraph, telephone, ports or any other mobility means linked to agroindustry, mining, steel industry, textiles or any other industrial activity, as well as the role of the communities that created those assets or the communities that are responsible of their preservation. Transportation systems have left a range of remains since pre-Hispanic times up to the 20th century, both in land and water depending on the characteristics of each region which is part of the current Mexican territory. Road networks configured regions and, later on, the railroad reshaped the territory, this originated different human settlements production and commerce centers, or they simply encouraged the growth and development of already existing centers. In most cases, they followed their own settlement patterns that, together with materials, construction systems, techniques and architectonical styles, provided them a particular identity that can be rescued to be analyzed. Starting from a common practice, the installation of these transportation means gave rise to several technological, territorial, construction and organizational innovations that allowed their adjustment to the specific human, material and economic resources of each location site, as well as to their geographic and climate characteristics. Traces, knowledge and testimonies generated by all these activities, are part of the great Mexican industrial heritage and their study is the main purpose of this seminar. The tangible traces of this vast industrial heritage which are located near or inside urban contexts have been constantly and systematically looted, their big spaces have been threatened by land use changes, real estate speculation and abandonment, taking advantage of their obsolesce or the contamination they generate as an excuse to destroy them. A first step to their study safeguard and conservation is, without doubt, documenting, producing an inventory and cataloguing the material assets and documents (manuscripts; printed, graphic, sound and audiovisual materials; private archives) and testimonies that preserve their intangible value. In accordance with the above paragraph, the V Seminar of TICCIH México, strives to contribute to such task by calling specialists and the interested general public to participate presenting papers related to the following thematic axes: 1) Connecting a nation 2) Heritage legacy 3) Sources for the knowledge of transportation systems Guide to propose papers 1.- Title indicating activity, place and time Vg. El Molino de... 1800-1950. Rescate de los almacenes... 2000-2005. 2.- Author, authors 3.- Brief resume of author(s), no more than 5 lines per author. 4.- Institution, association or individual participant. 5.- Abstract in 500 words maximum, 12 point Arial font and an image; indicating in which table you wish to participate. Submission of lectures  Official languages: Spanish and English (simultaneous translation)  Proposals will be received at the following e-mail:  Papers will be evaluated, only those that receive a favorable opinion will be considered for their publication, for this reason it is recommended to follow, from the beginning, the format established below: I. Be unpublished and not approved for their publication in other magazines or books. The publication language will be Spanish. Originals must be accompanied by the following information: work title, in Spanish and English; author(s) name(s); mailing address and e-mail address, telephone, name of the institution to which they belong, brief resume, not exceeding 5 lines, and an identification card size photo. Additionally, a text abstract will be included (around 600 characters), both in Spanish and English.. II. Papers shall be sent via e-mail in Word doc or docx. Pages will be numbered, formatted with one and a half line spacing, both text and footnotes, including the bibliography used in the text and a list of abbreviations and their explanation, if applicable. It is recommended that footnotes only refer documentary sources. The text will not have more than 63.000 characters, including spaces. III. Footnotes shall be located after the punctuation mark, and correspond to the original historical documents used. At footnote beginning, indicate the name of archives and/or museums consulted as well, etc. IV. Papers will include quotes using low quotation marks (<<>>). Bibliographic references will be inserted in the text, in parenthesis, and following the next model: author last name; publication year: page(s). Example: (Author, 2015: 20). V. Bibliography used in the text must include the following references, alphabetically ordered: Book: AUTHOR LAST NAME, Author name (Year). Book title. City of publication: Publishing house. Magazine article: AUTHOR LAST NAME, Author name (Year). <<Article title>>. Name of the magazine quoted, city, number or volume, pages. Articles, various authors: AUTHOR LAST NAME, Author name (Year). <<Chapter title>>. At: Author last name, first word of personal name, and dot (edit., coord.). Book title. City: Publishing house, pages. VI. Tables, graphs, sketches, maps, etc. will be inserted in the article, indicating if they were obtained from another work or if they were elaborated by the author. Illustrations, engravings and photographs (Maximum 300dpi) will be included in the text and outside it, especially when using JPG and TIFF. For all cases, inside the text, identify the source using the initial term "Source". Every area mentioned must be perfectly labeled with numbers. The author must have copyright or authorization of the owner to use the images; TICCIH México will not include any images that are not in compliance with this requirement. VII. The Publishing Committee will decide if final papers are accepted or not, and will inform their publication in a timely manner. Collaborators will receive their article in a PDF file and 1 paper copy. Scientific Committee Gracia Dorel-Ferré Belem Oviedo Gámez Nerina Karen Aguilar Robledo María de la Cruz Ríos Yanes Lilia Martínez y Torres Frederick Thierry Palafox Juan Antonio Siller Camacho Luis Antonio Ibáñez González Federico de la Torre de la Torre Organizing Committee María de la Cruz Ríos Yanes Aracely Monroy Pérez Laura Yolanda Pacheco Urista Lillian Torres González José Luis García Rubalcava Marco A. Hernández Badillo Mariano Torres Bautista Jorge Alberto Navarro Serrano Photographs Marco A. Hernández Badillo ( MAHB)
 copyright TICCIH MÉXICO
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